Sales countdown

Dennis van Epump

I miss custom sales countdown messages based on products. When i want to sell internationally I can not use this feature :( for example with Delivery time its possible to make custom text but why not with sales countdown? Please FIX this!

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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Dennis, you can still create messages based on products for sales countdown. Just go to sales countdown > click on add "sales countdown" > then you will see this setting for the message and the visibility of where should this show up


Dennis van Epump

Hello, No its not true. Because this message will show up AFTER countdown ends- see the photo


Dennis van Epump


Rolf Reyna

Hi Dennis, unfortunately we couldn't see the image you've attached. Can you contact our support through the live chat or email us at support@debutify.com, so that our team can have a better look at your concern.