Product Tab Enterprise - Hugely Need to be in Free Plan

ando rodo

First i wanna how awesome your theme is , professional store made easy , and with no more pagebuilder heavy codes need and still developing

And for the free version actually i loved it

But for onething : Product tabs which is just in Enterprice plan

which the same feature in Dawn theme , i know how much better yours is , but not quite fair to put it in enterprise plan and hugely Recommend to offer it in Free Plan cuz

it will be my main reason for using the theme and not to have to use pagefly page builder

Thanks alot

Activity Newest / Oldest


Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi, Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. Our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.