Product Swatch - updates

Carlos Manzueta

I have products that are not distinguishable in a small thumbnail of product swatchs... In my case, i need the option of disable the photo and use a button picker with custom name of product/variant in the product swatch addon.

For example, If I have 3 products (Rings) add the option of Display the size (7, 8, 9) with names only, and disable photo thumbnails... Becaus the customer understand better the picker button if have 7, 8 and 9, not if have 3 photo thumbnails of rings very similar.

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Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Under review


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi, Carlos

Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.


Carlos Manzueta

Please check the photo for understand....