Color Gradients (Sets as options)

Natasha Rivers

Hi there, I love your theme, so beautiful. I also use a platform called GoodBarber which is an App builder. The platform incorporates color gradient sets as options which can easily be globally applied to the Apps and PWA's I build in the platform. Here is a link www.goodbarber.com/blog/color-gradients-a865/ I feel adding a feature like this would be a great addition to Debutify. Thank you for the free trial, much appreciated. Natasha X

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Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Natasha,
Thank you for adding a request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. We will consider it in the future.


Muhammad Afzaal

Hey Natasha,

Upon Evaluation this option is not available in the Shopify theme editor. you can add custom edits to theme settings > custom code.