Cart goal (Free Shipping) fix with cart break

Charles Weaver

Right now the cart goal goes based upon the cart total PRIOR to any cart break discounts.

Customers are getting confused because it says they're eligible for free shipping and then when they get to checkout they are not.

The cart goal needs to be based on the final subtotal price (that in the button) to avoid confusion.

Activity Newest / Oldest


Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Charles Weaver

This is a common problem for all stores, its your theme, not a bug on my end.


Rolf Reyna

Hi Charles, please do contact our support through the live chat or email us at support@debutify.com. So that our team can look into this further and see what is causing the problem.


Charles Weaver

This is a common problem for all stores, its your theme, not a bug on my end.


Rolf Reyna

Hi Charles. Yes I understand where you're coming from. That's why we're asking you to contact our team so that they can look into this issue further, because this issue would need a further investigation.