
Debutify Theme Login Portal 2.0.4

Debutify Theme Login Portal 2.0.4

Debutify Theme Login Portal 2.0.4 includes new features and bug fixes to make managing your Debutify Theme easier and more efficient.

What's new

Here's what's new in Debutify Theme Login Portal 2.0.4:

License Sharing (Major)

Enterprise Plan users can now share licenses with up to two stores and manage billing from the parent account. This feature was previously removed but has been reinstated in this update.

Account Management (Major)

Pro and Enterprise Plan users can now receive personalized assistance from a dedicated account manager for efficient issue resolution, tailored theme optimization advice, and more.

Bug fixes

Check out the issues we've recently addressed.

🐞 Fixed: Incomplete transfers of theme sections and colors due to addons-group.json file discrepancies.

🐞 Fixed: Issues related to the Product Bullet Points widget's tags (<p>, <ul>, <ol>, <h1>-<h6>) in the block settings.

🐞 Fixed: Missing sections, widgets, and headers when updating from older versions of Debutify Theme to version 6.3.