Collection filter add-on showing unnecessary options when not needed


Hi all
I would like to know who else is having issues with the collection filter and the ways it displays option especially when swapping between different collections with different types of products.

For example, lets say my store has 2 collections, A 'shoe collection' and a 'Pants collection'. so when opening the shoe collection, i see the filter option and in this option i have created filters such as "boots", 'sandals', heels, sneakers', etc.
My problem is when i leave the shoe collection and go to the Pants collection, when i open the filter addon, i am met with the same filters from the shoes collection instead of having a separate list of filters for this collection. It makes no sense why i should see options for "boots", 'sandals', heels and sneakers' when viewing a collection for pants!

i have asked the support team regarding this and basically i was told that the unavailable options would be grayed out!
So instead of just being able to set a specific list of filters for a specific collection, now all my filters will show in any collection BUT 'dont worry' because it will be grayed out ??? how is this working as intended?

I would really appreciate some actual assistance regarding this, i cant be the only person to have and issue with this.


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Mirza Asad Baig

Hi there, we have researched this issue and we see that it can't be done on fron-end part. It will not correctly work for large amount of tags and products in collection. We are planning to improve this add-on with new filter functionality.


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Status changed to: Under review