Wishlist visibility on product page

Tushar Balsara

It would great to have wishlist on the product image on bottom left like you have magnifying glass on right side. Many customers have said they cannot easily find wishlist after the title. Alternatively, also consider it near the add to cart button.

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Tushar Balsara

Bumping this back up. Option to have wishlist call to action alongside add to cart ensures customers can take one of two critical actions. This becomes even more important as you now have compare options. Amazon and all major website hence offer this right next to each others as it looks to consolidate the call to action options.


Tushar Balsara

Add wishlist option on/near Add to Cart and also on sticky Add to Cart. Most sites have the heart icon and then Add to Cart so it's in the same customer transactional experience.


Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Tushar,
Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. Our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.