Variant in Add to Cart while using Third Party Apps

Marius Granville

In case, if someone using third party apps, like: 'Infinite Product Options by HulkApps', the product variant is not working, instead it always adding the default one. This should added in the theme, in any condition the variant must work. Please review this.

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Andre N.

Hey Marius!

Andre here with Debutify's Development team.

Quick update--we're looking into your request to see if 3rd party apps are having issues with product variants.

We'll let you know if we find any issues! 😊

In the meantime--if you need urgent help, get in touch with our support team: debutify.com/contact

We'll be glad to help 😉


Wishing you more sales 💸


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Planned


Andre N.

Status changed to: Under review


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Marius,
Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.