Upsell Bundles : More Granularity Req'd

Phil Carter

When Upsell Bundles is enabled in the Product Pages, it automatically adds upsells to EVERY product in your store ('Frequently Bought Together' bundles). It would be great if this could be limited to only apply to where I want to add, i.e.:

Display CUSTOM 'Specific bundle' upsell bundles created in the Product Pages for individual products ONLY & do not create any upsell bundles for all other products not included in the customised 'specific bundle' list.

Thanks - Phil

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Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Phil,
We have added Specific bundles to our theme.
I would like to suggest If you try to install a fresh theme version without selecting to "copy custom code" from Debutify App.

For Reference:

Have a nice time, Thank you.


Muhammad Afzaal

Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.


Michael Meadows

Totally agree. Would love to be able to turn off upsell bundles on products where I don't actually intend to have an upsell bundle.

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