The image you are requesting does not exist or no longer avaliable

rapidi ofertas

Olá estou com um problema no tema Debutify versão 2.0.1 , aparece uma imagem em baixo do botão de pagar escrito ( the image you are requesting does not exist or no longer avaliable) , antes tinha uma imagem dos modos de pagamento, por favor gostaria de uma ajuda pra colocar uma imagem dos modos de pagamento de boleto e cartão...
Hello, I have a problem with the Debutify theme version 2.0.1, there is an image below the payment button that says ( the image you are requesting does not exist or no longer avaliable), before it had an image of the payment methods, please help me to put an image of the payment methods for bill and card. ( my e-mail: rapidiofertas@gmail.com )

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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi rapidi, unfortunately the 2.0 theme has been discontinued and is no longer being serviced. The issue might be happening because this is already an outdated version. I suggest you download the newest version of the theme.