Product Swatches

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Petter Vettese

I think this would be a great fix for this theme. I create all my color options as uniqe products in order to have them display on collection individually (and SEO best practice) and then use an app to connect them as swatches on related products (starapps). This app is quite heavy and takes some time to load but its worth it. Basically it allows to create product groups and link them as swatches on each products page.

Anyway, awesome theme!

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Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Live


Matthew Leonard

Not sure what product swatchs is but if we can use the variant image as the swatch or selector it would improve this app. For a clothing brand using the colour swatches is difficult and the most time consuming thing ever. Customer want visuals of the products they are selecting not just a patch (at least with clothes) this is what they are used to.

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Debora Segreto

Exactly!!! Was this considered for this feature???


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: In progress


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Planned


Hi Petter,
Thank you so much for your lovely words for our Theme. Our team is always working to provide the best quality to our users.
Thanks for reaching us and giving your valuable suggestion we will definitely consider this.
Have a nice day


Debutify Accounts

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