Multiple Cart Breaks

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Don't really know why this has been downgraded like this. But before the quantity break got split into product and cart break you used to be able to have multiple cart breaks.

The customer could get to the first break and then the second one would activate and show add x amount of products to receive x off.

Please add in so you can at least have 2 cart breaks so when the customer reaches the first one it shows the second one

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Charles Weaver

The cart break needs so much work it's not funny.
It only upgrades the code in the cart depending on more items, it doesn't downgrade which causes issues.


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Live


Charles Weaver

I preferred the whole version with multiple cart breaks that could be across the entire store

"add another item for X amount off" - any item
Now it's causing lots of confusion for my customers and my revenue going down as a result of applying the updated debutify, really not happy and contemplating going back

I will +1 this feature if I can get it operating like the old way


Daikiri Bikinis

The option of create more break for the total cart option like the version 3.0.4, for example in my store quantity break addon was better on that version...

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Charles Weaver

100%, thinking about going back to the old debutify


Andre N.

Merged with: More Breaks on Quantity Break on Cart Total


Andre N.

Status changed to: In progress


Rudy Lee

It would be good to have different sets of volume discount for products storewide. For instance, buy any 2 items get X discount, 3 items X discount etc. Currently Quantity Break applies to same product or only 1 set of discount for Cart

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Andre N.


Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Under review


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Caller,

Hi, Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. Our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Daikiri,

Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. Our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.