Multi Buy Discounts Across Products

michael larkin

one of the reasons I bought Enterprise was for the quantity breaks. However I have discovered it can only be used on a single product - I want to be able to give customers a discount if they buy 3, 5 or 10 products, but I want them to be able to mix and match products and variants. The products are the same price so I would give them 15% for buying 3, 25% for 5 and 25% plus a free item for 10. I can't do this on Debutify right now

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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Michael, you can also use the add-on "Upsell bundles" if you want the customers to add multiple and different products.


Also, the quantity break will still work if the discount code is applied to all products. You can also just add a text in bullet points add-on or add a statement that customers can mix and match products to get some discounts.


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Under review