Improve Chat Customer Support

Ivan Harris

The escalation process is very slow. Techs are ok when you can get a hold of them. That is the primary issue. I've found that several followups are required to get a response. Even when you get someone , they don't stick around after they "fix" a problem. Follow up is very poor. I'm currently waiting for "Jake" to get back to me right now. I suggest using a ticketing system where customers don't have to keep rehashing the original problem when I different support person pops in and out. Right now no one "owns" these incidents.

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Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal


Thank you for adding feedback, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. We will be evaluating your concerns, try to improve our process so that valuable customers like you are entertained accordingly.

Have a nice time.


Dave Q

ive noticed that in the last year or so the support has gotten terrible. they dont have a clue what they are doing and I feel like i could do a better job myself. and your right the escalation process takes days to fix a minor issue that would have been fixed in the chat previously within minutes.


Ivan Harris

Right the process now is...Report an issue. The customer support guy says, " I'll escalate to tech support, you should hear back in 48 hours....."

4 days go by and no response. You send another email ...they say they will escalate again.. At this point in another few days you may reach an actual tech. They make a quick change and ask you to check you to check your site. You check tour website..they may have fixed the issue or part of issue but then may create another problem. At least that's what happened in my case

When you tell them they need to make another adjustment, they are ghost.... even though I responded back in like 3 minutes....I'm going through this right now. I left several chat messages and emails. but dude "Jake" refuses to respond. ...and this is for a very minor change. I just need him to move the LOGO list section further down on my home page. If there was a tutorial for this I would do it myself....Mind you all these issues came after upgrading to their newer version. I didn't cause this stuff