
Orhan Mutlu

Hi, i think in your adds, focusing on whats deputify briefly, will make you known by more people and it ll get more attention..its not easy to realize whats debutify about..thanks😚

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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Orhan,
Debutify is an all-in-one theme to your Shopify Store.

We are much more than your usual Shopify theme. Aside from our theme's elegant and persuasive design, Debutify has built-in Add-Ons that help you get more sales and increase your revenue.

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Orhan Mutlu

İ had an idea too but thanks for explanation detailed..i was mentioning who is first facing to debutify adds on internet, a flyer or just a spot could make much more people to click on it and dive into your deep and rich world ;)🤝


Rolf Reyna

Hi Orhan, thank you for the great suggestion. We will be looking into this and see what our team can do regarding this.