Downgrade Cart Break when items removed from cart

Charles Weaver

Same as the title says.

Right now the cart break works by upgrading the code when people add more to the cart, but it doesn't downgrade when the requirements aren't met.

This causes issues at checkout when certain discount codes require a minimum number of items.

I've mentioned this in another thread relating to cart break issues but nothing seems to be happening.

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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Merged with: Discount code link to override cart break


Charles Weaver

Basically exactly what the title says. When someone enters your site from a discount link it needs to override the cart break.

In addition to this, I think it would be good when someone enters from a discount link that a popup could come up and say "DISCOUNT X HAS BEEN APPLIED". "Complete through to checkout to view your discount."

Or something to that effect.

It would be great to have the code apply live on-site including in the cart but I know this might be too difficult?

I have also mentioned this same thing in my "cart break needs work" thread but that doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


Rolf Reyna

Hi Charles, have you set the discount code that is on shopify admin to have a minimum quantity amount of purchases?