Discount Saved Addon always "filled"

Julian Heldt

The Discount saved addon is always icon style = filled.
On collection page -> theme settings -> Sales badge I have turned it to outlined and all others but it always stays filled. On product page I didnt even find the settings to make the discount saved badge outlined. But I would like to have it outlined on collection page and product page. Thank you. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Muhammad Afzaal

@julian the requested feature is working.You can change the icon style of Discount Saved fromTheme Customiser: Theme Settings > Advance Settings > Icons > Icon Style.Have a great day. Thank you


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Under review


Debutify Accounts

Julain, Thank you for the feedback. We will be evaluating your request & will be looking into your feature request and try to include it in the future :)


Debutify Accounts

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