Delivery Time By Country

James Foster

Please improve the delivery time add-on to allow for different shipping times for different countries based on the country that the user is in, at the moment, you can only set a delivery time at the product level not at the country level, which isn't very helpful as the delivery times between countries can vary quite significantly.

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Thank you for your feature request! We appreciate your feedback and are delighted to inform you that we have added this to our list of enhancements for future Debutify theme updates. Your input is invaluable to us as we strive to improve our products and provide a seamless user experience. Stay tuned for updates on this feature in our upcoming releases. Thank you for being a part of the Debutify community!



Status changed to: Planned


Björn Alsters

Is there any progress on this matter?


Mirza Asad Baig

Status changed to: Under review


Adeeb Abed

I would recommend that you add region (i.e city name) that could show on a drop down menu..
also providing time slots option rather than exact time is more useful as in our case, we cant commit on delivery at exact time rather than a slot..

I invite you to check what we have cutom developed at www.raw-cut.om
Simply add some items to the cart and checkout.


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Planned


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: In progress


Muhammad Afzaal

Hey James,
Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. Our dev team will be evaluating this.