The product filter that has been implemented is only for a specific collection.
A user should be able to filter in any situation all the products in the store.
That is, the product filter should filter for ALL items in the store that have a specific tag.
I would love if you could improve it
Muhammad Afzaal
Status changed to:
This would be awesome as I've been butting heads figuring out how to do this without adding another app or code lol.
Sal Osorio
This feature would be awesome. I'm currently using this app called Product Filter & Search that honestly works really great but Every time there's a Debutify Update it won't work and have to get help to get it to work. But hopefully this goes through.
Silvia Lorusso
me too
Simon Klein
Make a clean looking filter that has multiple possibilitys e.g. Category -> Price Gaps ( between 10-20 ; between 20-100 etc.) Shop by Brand, shop by type, bestsellers and so on
Activity Newest / Oldest
Jakub Trava
Hi Guys, please check this new thread I just created that is closely related to this:
Thank you
Aritz Pérez
The product filter that has been implemented is only for a specific collection.
A user should be able to filter in any situation all the products in the store.
That is, the product filter should filter for ALL items in the store that have a specific tag.
I would love if you could improve it
Muhammad Afzaal
Status changed to: Live
This would be awesome as I've been butting heads figuring out how to do this without adding another app or code lol.
Sal Osorio
This feature would be awesome. I'm currently using this app called Product Filter & Search that honestly works really great but Every time there's a Debutify Update it won't work and have to get help to get it to work. But hopefully this goes through.
Silvia Lorusso
me too
Simon Klein
Make a clean looking filter that has multiple possibilitys e.g. Category -> Price Gaps ( between 10-20 ; between 20-100 etc.) Shop by Brand, shop by type, bestsellers and so on
Debutify Accounts
Merged with: Clean Filter for "big" stores
Debutify Accounts
Status changed to: In progress