Customer service

Glenda Nelson

I understand that things can be busy but i have been trying to contact assistance for a week now. i specifically gave the problems and direction on how to contact me but everytime, they have to ask the problem. Your customer service is terrible to think that most staff are from my country. this is so bad and this is the second company that i left a very bad review. my money and time is not worth your services. product may be great but how you treat customers are not the priority. better hire more employees, assigned different shift so people can be accomodated more. to the ones that are answering the chatbox, it will not hurt to read previous chat so that they will have a grasp of understand of the customer's situations.

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Il Mio Stile Italiano

I am really unhappy with this service. I have been trying to contact support for a fortnight to make a refund and it seems impossible for it to take that long. They always postpone the chats and say the same exact things. Shameful, never would I have thought of such poor service. I specifically gave them the problems and directions on how to contact me, but every time, they have to ask for the problem. The customer service is really bad. You are not really worth a euro of what you cost even though the product may be great, but the way you treat customers is not the priority. it won't hurt to read the previous chats so that they have an understanding of the customer's situation.


Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Glenda, we apologize for the service that you've experienced. Thank you for giving us this feedback, we appreciate this. We strive to do better and improve our support for better future experience.

Also, can you clarify what was the concern that you're having problems with so that we could look into this further.