Color swatches


hello, we sell electronics and mobile phones, in mobiles phones there are nearly 300 colors, while debutify limit is nearly 250, therefore we are not able to assign or add new colors and this is a problem, can you check that urgently so can continue working on our debutify setup, our trial period has ended and we subscribed yesterday to master plan, and we will keep theme offline until we can sort things out like fixing the color issue, so we appreciate your fast help the soonest possible so we can go with theme live, best regards,

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Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed



we sell mobile phones most of them with mixed colors, the limit in debutify is 250, while in mobile and tablet colors there are more then 250, its a problem, can you please allow us to add more colors since there is a lack now in availability


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi, Please contact our CS team for a Detailed inspection of your store: debutify.com/contact.
This limitation is from the Shopify end, not ours.



i did, feedback of support is 0, i am ont able to get any help

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Muhammad Afzaal

Can you provide your Store credentials to our CS team So our devs will look into it? In order to investigate this issue as well as check if you have missed any settings?



Hello Muhammad, thanks for your feedback. how can i contact CS team if noone answers, when i chat with support i don't get a feedback before 8 to 9 hours, sometimes next day, not to mention that i subscribed to debutify with the package that costs nearly a 100$ monthly, while i am still using my old theme, debutify theme is still offline since a month, since i am not able to get thru with the color issue, i am not able to find any logic resolution to fix this., so noone to talk to and no resolution, i may be forced to use my old theme back again, as for the limitation that you mentioned it is from shopify, please find the 2 screenshots attached which shows debutify app (showing 250/250), it's full and in the second screenshot, this is an example on how colors should be handled, i took this from my old theme, it's a filter i am using, appreciate your concern and feedback so i know what to do sir, thanks again


Muhammad Afzaal

Merged with: Color swatches


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Sanfour,
Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Sanfour,
We will be looking into your request and try to include it in the future :)