Collection List Improvements


Add the ability to define the number of collections per row.

for example I might want one collection spanning the whole page and then a second row beneath with 4 collections in smalled boxes

Alternatively the collection list could be offered as a scrollable list left to right like featured products.

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Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Planned


Debutify Accounts

Hi Mechmods,

Thank you so much for this valuable feedback. We are currently improving our collection page with far more flexibility to help with this.

We dont have this in development, but we are going to add this to the roadmap to be factored in as this is great feedback.

So you want to have it so each collection row you define how many collections appear per row?

I think we can do that where you define it for each row and add more and more based on the amount of collections you have.

Thank you,

  • M