Collection in Mega Menu Slot


So I know we have an option to have a Collection Menu or a Worded Mega Menu.

And in the Mega Menu's, you have the ability to show off a Product with the words. But what about adding the ability to have a Collection with the words and products?

See attachment for an example image where they added collection.

Currently we can only do products. This would be helpful for when we have items that don't need sub-menu's.

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Hi again,

I just realized there is another option you guys can do. Maybe the ability to add a photo to the linked Collection?



If you're going to use that argument. Then I suggest you remove Products Slots as well. You have tons of them EVERYWHERE and I barely use them. I use the collections more.

Although I found the top one more sleeker, here's a few more top examples of people using Collections in their Mega Menu - including Home Depot!

If you don't believe me, you can put it in a vote section and see if people want it. After all, as store owners - customers should have that option.

Worse case, I'll have it customized or find an App that does exactly how I want it to do. Then I'll show you the sales proof that having this design option is a great opportunity for your customers.


Hi ipurgatoryllc
Thanks for writing us. After reviewing your suggestion. We are already providing an option from where you add collections in the Mega Menu and it will be repeated if we gave another same option in Mega Menu.