Cart Break For Specific Products

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Rachel Weeks

If your store offers a product with multiple variations (ie. colors, size etc) the customer can receive a quantity break for that from the product page. Example)
Buy 2: Save 20%
1 blue xyz
1 white xyz
It's different from a normal quantity break in that you can select different variants & from the product page.
Current Format Example:
Buy 2: Save 20%
2 blue xyz
What happens when a customer wants to buy 2+ items but in different colors?
From the store owners perspective, I don't want a blanketed cart break discount applied the same across all of my store's products for checkout.
Having the ability to customize a cart break for each product (if need be) vs a cart break for your whole store would be very beneficial.

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Rolf Reyna

Hi Rachel, that would be a great idea for the cart break. Thank you for this suggestion, our team will look into this and it might be added to future updates of the theme.


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