Auto detected Image Size/Show full image size

Brandon Lim

I used to have lots of long-sized (example: 750x4000) image files for variant photos, and it works perfectly in Debutify Version 2.0.2. It just shows up everything, what exact the full images are. However, in the latest new version, its all fixed in a certain image ratio which my images can't fit it. I hope the system could detect the image size and just show the full image of the photos.

I really hope this could be fixed or else i cannot update the version. :( Thanks!

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Rolf Geoffrey Reyna

Hi Brandon, is the error still happening in your store? If so, please do contact us through the live chat or email us at support@debutify.com and provide us screenshots of the issue so that we could look into this further.


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Brandon,
Thank you for adding a request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. We will consider it in the future.


Muhammad Afzaal

Can you please let us know, Which theme version you are using & faced this error?


Brandon Lim

Hi there, thanks for your reply. It was 3.0.6 that i used, which had above error mentioned. Thanks.