Very upset with Debutify!

Anderson Carlson

Your website is very glitchy and the add ons take a while to even work! I am finding so many bugs and issues with Debutify and I am especially upset that I spend $149! Nothing runs smooth.

Activity Newest / Oldest


Taynara Barboza

Hey Anderson,

I'm sorry to hear about the recent issues you've encountered with our theme. Upon reviewing your account, I noticed that there was an error in the initial URL provided during account creation. Using the correct URL is essential for us to identify your plan and ensure the functionality of your store. It seems that you've since rectified this issue, and with the correct URL, the add-ons are now functioning properly.

If the live theme is not the one you need assistance with, please provide our support team with the preview link to the unpublished theme.

I'll be reaching out to you directly to address the other issues you've mentioned. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and are committed to resolving these issues promptly.

Best regards