Why did my SLIDESHOW go BLANK???

Cameron Jones

I'm on the Starter plan and after nearly launching our shop...the SLIDESHOW suddenly went BLANK... also the products in my DEFAULT COLLECTION are also BLANK. This is really a terrible problem...since the Theme seems to have become corrupted. Can't launch with this if it can't be understood why or how to fix???

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kaflin qalex

Your slideshow may have gone blank due to various reasons such as a technical glitch, an incompatible file format, or a problem with the software or hardware. It's also possible that there was an issue with the display settings or a corrupted file. Double-check your settings, file compatibility, and the integrity of the presentation file. If you're looking for a different experience, you might be interested in exploring An WhatsApp (anwaapk.com/anwhatsapp-3/) for a fresh take on instant messaging.