Product description

Shak Shak


How can I move the product description above the colour variation and below the price?

How can I change the font size of the price? and I am using the free version of it.

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Taynara Barboza

Hi Shak,

To rearrange the product elements, please ensure that you are using our latest version compatible with Shopify 2.0.

Within the product template in the theme editor, under template group, open the product page section, you have the ability to select and drag the elements to your preferred location.


awnex baylor

If you want to change the font size of the price in your application or webpage and are using a free version, you may have limited options depending on the platform or software you're using. Generally, you can try adjusting the font size by adding custom CSS to the stylesheet. Locate the HTML element that contains the price (e.g., a span or div with a specific class or ID) and modify the font size property in the CSS file, such as font-size: 16px;. Additionally, today's Canuckle (canuckletoday.ca/) answer is maple.