Choose specific product for size chart and FAQ

Michael Carlson

the ability to customize seperate size charts, FAQ sections, ad other add ons for different products, instead of the same size chart showing on all products. Similar to how you can choose which product tabs show up on which products or are assigned to them.


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Muhammad Afzaal

Hey guys,
you can simply add different sections with different content to any template. For general queries, you may also contact our support by messaging them from Debutify theme Manager. Our live support is available from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time from Mon to Fri or email us at: support@debutify.com


Muhammad Afzaal

Status changed to: Closed


Michael Carlson

Hey Muhammad, can you direct me on how to do that? I couldn't figure out and couldn't find an article on it, nor could the support staff direct me on how to do it. Also with the FAQ, I create it and it shows in all products, and I don't see an option to only show on certain products? Thank you for your help


Muhammad Afzaal

Upon Evaluation, we have visibility settings for the size charts.
you can show for specific products, collections, tags, types or leave empty to show on all product pages.

Can you provide more details so we can evaluate further?
Thank you for your time.


Muhammad Afzaal

Hi Michael,
Thank you for adding a feature request, we appreciate that you are concerned and want us to improve. our dev team will evaluate this & we will let you know.