Why did my SLIDESHOW go BLANK???

Cameron Jones

As of yesterday my SLIDESHOW does not work and shows up BLANK/WHITE. Also, my FEATURED COLLECTION is also showing up as BLANK/WHITE. This is a huge issues as the theme has become unstable for no reason. This is not good for being sure the theme is a good fit if it gets ruined like this? Why and how to fix?


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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Cameron Jones

Please reach out to our support through the live chat or by sending us an email at support@debutify.com, so we could look into this issue further and help you resolve this right away.


Cameron Jones

Hi Rolf, You've actually sent me an email saying it'll be 24-hrs + to get this issue resolved. You have sent me email to that effect 18 hours ago. I'll await your update there :) regards - Cameron


Cameron Jones


Cameron Jones