Quantity breaks disappear from the shopping cart after a few hours

Hector Agustin

Steps to run the bug:
1-Set quantity breaks.
2-Add some products to the cart to get the quantity discount and left the store.
3-After a few hours, if you come back to the shopping cart without passing through a product page, products continue in the cart but the quantity discount and the text to encourage the offer "add x units to get x% discount" have disappeared.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Robert Abella

Status changed to: Closed


Robert Abella

Hi Hector,

We cannot reproduce the reported issue to our latest theme.
The only way the user will encounter this if they deleted in session Storage or make a full hard cache of browser

if the issue persist please contact our support by messaging them from Debutify theme Manager. Our live support is available from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time from Mon to Fri or email us at support@debutify.com