Issue header logo


Having so much issue with the newest version of this theme...
My header logo looked so blurry and distorbed. Thought 6.1 update would fix it as said on the changelog. But the logo looks still blurry.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Taynara Barboza

Status changed to: Closed


Taynara Barboza

Hi Global,

The blurry logo was indeed addressed in version 6.1 of our theme.

In some cases, the blurriness of the logo might be caused by factors other than the theme update. One common reason could be the image quality or resolution of the logo itself, especially when it's resized to fit different screen sizes, such as on mobile devices.

To ensure the best quality display of your logo, we recommend using a high-resolution image file and ensuring that it's optimized for various screen sizes. If you're still encountering blurriness after ensuring the image quality, there might be other factors at play that we'd be happy to investigate further.

I've sent an email requesting more details so we can offer more personalized assistance to help resolve the issue.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!