Flicker on Cart Page - Debutify 4.8.0

Wet and Dry Personal Care

I'm getting a constant flicker on cart page which is impacting customer experience on my website. Customers are not even able to add discount codes because the page refreshes every other second automatically. I'm using Debutify 4.8.0.


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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Wet and Dry Personal Care team,
Can you send us a quick video of the issue so that we could look into this further?


Wet and Dry Personal Care

Privy tech team already checked it and confirmed that this flicker is not happening due to their app: drive.google.com/file/d/1e4PMxkYIOlUlencTV2x8DOCG7mdJ2XD6/view?usp=sharing


Rolf Reyna

Hi Wet and Dry Personal Care team,

Please contact our support through the live chat or email us at support@debutify.com, so that our team can have a better look at your issue.