Discount Doesn't Apply automatically on Cart page

Furkan Duvan

In the cart page, The discount doesn't apply automatically on the total amount which is not ideal and wont motivate the customer to purchase the item. This must be fixed because I get a lot of Abandoned Carts because of this issue.


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Muhammad Afzaal

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Muhammad Afzaal

Merged with: Discount Doesn't Apply automatically on Cart page


Furkan Duvan

In the cart page, The discount doesn't apply automatically on the total amount which is not ideal and wont motivate the customer to purchase the item. This must be fixed because I get a lot of Abandoned Carts because of this issue.


Robert Abella

Hi Furkan Duvan,

Thank you for your message. We need to look into this to get better understanding of your concern. Can you please contact our support by messaging them from Debutify theme Manager. Our live support is available from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time from Mon to Fri or email us at support@debutify.com

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