Brands Carousel not working on mobile

Wayne Morse

Brands Carousel not working on mobile was working fine on desktop. On mobile only the background shows in the space but no logos. Should think about adding a DO NOT SHOW on mobile on a lot of these apps that have issues so we can use them until resolved. Thank you


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Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Closed


Debutify Accounts

Wayne, this is to inform you that we have released the new version of the theme, all you need to do is to Download the fresh version of the theme without copying custom code.
If Still, you need any assistance you can contact to our customer support: debutify.com/contact
Have a nice day.


Debutify Accounts

Hi Wayne Morse,

Thank you for the feedback, We are evaluating your request & Will try to give you the appropriate solution soon. Have a nice day.