Ajax Cart Drawer Not Loading on Apple

Gabriel Vargas

I just updated our theme to the last version of Debutify's theme.

I realized that everything works great, but the Ajax Cart Drawer do not load on iPhone... I've tested on computer, Android emulator, Android phone and it's working.

Then I tested with my iPhone and the loading wheel keeps running infinitely. I also tried with a second iPhone with the same result.

Customers which use iPhone cannot access their cart because the only "link" to it is the Ajax Cart Drawer.

Hope you can solve that


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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Gabriel, that's good to know. If you have any other concerns please do contact us.


Gabriel Vargas

hi Rolf, I don't understand your comment because ajax drawer cart is a native option from Debutify's theme
Nevertheless I have fixed the issue myself :)



Rolf Reyna

Hi Gabriel, you would need to contact the 3rd-party app's support regarding this issue. As to we have no control over 3rd-party apps. In that case, you would need to contact Ajax's support regarding your concern with their app not loading on iPhone.


Debutify Accounts

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