4.6 Carousel (Mobile) Bugs


4.6.0 upgrade, on the feautred collection -> grid -> product per row (mobile) section. It won't display 2 products on mobile (carousel) when selecting the option to, it'll only display one per row. And it won't auto rotate on mobile. I found these issues on other sections that use the carousel option on mobile. Can you please advise on how to fix? Thank you!


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Rolf Reyna

Status changed to: Closed


Rolf Reyna

Hi Cesar, the 2.0 version of the theme is far different from the 4.6.0 version. It has a whole new design, on the 4.6.0 version this is what it looks like where only 1 product would only show on the carousel. Also, you can just enable "Auto rotate" for the carousel for it to move automatically.


Rolf Reyna

Hi Cesar, if the carousel view is enabled for mobile view it would only show one product per row. If you wish to see 2 products per row disable the carousel view.



Hi Rolf, it shows 2 products per row fine with the carousel view enabled on Debutify 2.0.2. (see attached). The carousel also doesn't autorotate on mobile on Debutify 4.6 but does on 2.0.2.


Cesar Rodriguez

4.6.0 upgrade, on the feautred collection -> grid -> product per row (mobile) / carousel section:

- Won't display 2 products on mobile (carousel) when selecting the option to, it'll only display one per row.
- It won't auto rotate on mobile only on desktop.
- Arrows aren't visible on mobile, not sure if that's how they were designed to be.

I found these issues on other sections that use the carousel option on mobile. Can you please advise on how to fix? Thank you!


Mirza Asad Baig

Merged with: 4.6 Carousel (Mobile) Bugs


Debutify Accounts

Status changed to: Under review